Real Skulls Legal

Although it remains a fascinating and sometimes macabre question whether one is allowed to possess a human skull, behind it unfolds a dense and intricate forest of ethical, legal, and cultural considerations. Law enforcement agencies, lawyers, and even private collectors sometimes find themselves confronted with human remains, whether in the course of professional forensic investigations, academic research, or simply out of a passion for collecting. Drawing on my extensive experience and profound knowledge of this subject, I aim to illuminate the legal, ethical, and cultural-historical foundations that must be considered in this context in a comprehensive and neutral guide for those who wish to explore the phenomenon of the death cult more closely.

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George Rauscher Retirement

Looking back on 25 eventful years as a forensic expert, I reflect with a half-smile on the many challenging cases that have kept me up day and night. However, as of January 1, 2025, with a few exceptions, I will no longer accept new expert reports from the German judiciary. This decision has not been easy, but it finally opens up the space I desperately need for my research, my family, and the completion of my specialist book on person identification.

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As an analyst, I have made it my mission to consider political and economic conflicts as objectively as possible. But the deeper I delve into the Ukraine conflict, the clearer it becomes how much public perception is influenced by targeted information and perspectives. Many people view the events through a preconceived lens that was not formed by chance but deliberately shaped. Although I strive to maintain my neutral stance, it is difficult to ignore the obvious discrepancies between official statements and the actual motives.

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In the world of globules, these little sugar pellets that serve as carriers of homeopathic “active ingredients,” one must ask what they actually contain. The fundamental principle of homeopathy suggests that a substance which causes symptoms in large doses can, in extremely diluted form, contribute to the cure of that very disease. The idea is intriguing: treating like with like. But how much of this “like” remains in the globules?

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Neutralität Verfassungsschutz

The assertion that the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany is a neutral institution seems like a beautiful illusion that crumbles upon closer examination. It turns out that the views and reports expressed by this office are primarily shaped by the directives of political decision-makers and bodies. This situation reaches a bitter climax when an Interior Minister uses the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution to suppress press freedom and other opinions on crucial topics. Such deployment of this office against the Constitution and free speech is alarming. The “Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution” is being misused to curtail constitutional rights. A society must be assured that its intelligence services act neutrally; otherwise, democracy suffers, like a tree whose roots have been severed.

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Pks Deutschland

The Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik Deutschlands (PKS) 2022, an annual compendium compiled by German police authorities, serves as an indispensable tool for examining the evolution of crime in Germany. This current edition of the PKS presents not only a sober aggregation of offenses in numerical form but also a narrative mosaic that vividly sketches the country’s transformed criminal landscape. At its core lies the phenomenon of rising crime and the role of asylum seekers in this intricate context.

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Kognitive Voreingenommenheit

Cognitive bias in forensic science is not an abstract concept, but a creeping virus that, in the worst cases, can infect entire justice systems. To make the workings of this insidious phenomenon more tangible, let’s look at some examples that clearly illustrate the potential impact of cognitive distortions in practice.

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Grosse Pupillen

At the beginning of my work as an expert, I often noticed on comparison photos of defendants that they had very large pupils – sometimes even despite the light from the flash used. These comparison photos were almost exclusively taken by investigators or judges. This observation piqued my curiosity and prompted me to question the cause of this phenomenon.

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Pks 2017

Over the last twelve months, it appears that many things have improved. Certainly, one of the most remarkable developments is the ostensibly increased safety in the country, as suggested by the German Police Crime Statistics 2017. But does this claim genuinely rest on a solid foundation, or are the presented data at best misleading?

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