The Billion-Dollar Monopoly: Why the EU Is Really Rejecting Russia’s Peace Proposals


As an analyst, I have made it my mission to consider political and economic conflicts as objectively as possible. But the deeper I delve into the Ukraine conflict, the clearer it becomes how much public perception is influenced by targeted information and perspectives. Many people view the events through a preconceived lens that was not formed by chance but deliberately shaped. Although I strive to maintain my neutral stance, it is difficult to ignore the obvious discrepancies between official statements and the actual motives.

The Ukraine conflict is a prime example of how complex geopolitical interests are hidden behind a facade of moral and democratic arguments. While Western states, primarily the USA and NATO, present themselves as defenders of freedom and democracy, numerous indications suggest that economic and strategic motives play just as significant a role. The question arises: Why is this conflict portrayed so vehemently as a moral crusade when the underlying interests are obviously of a different nature?

Historically, the USA and its allies have frequently intervened in other countries under the pretext of defending democracy and human rights. Upon closer examination, however, a recurring pattern emerges in which economic interests and geopolitical strategies are at the forefront.

A striking example is the Iraq War in 2003. The official justification for the invasion was the alleged existence of weapons of mass destruction. Later, it turned out that these claims were unfounded. The true motives likely lay in the country’s rich oil reserves and the effort to strengthen geopolitical control in the Middle East. The consequences were devastating: hundreds of thousands of deaths, a destabilized region, and long-lasting conflicts whose effects are still felt today.

A similar situation occurred in Libya in 2011. Under the guise of protecting the civilian population, NATO intervened militarily and contributed to the overthrow of Muammar al-Gaddafi. The result was a power vacuum that plunged the country into chaos. Extremist groups seized the opportunity to gain a foothold, and the stability of the entire region was impaired. Once again, Western companies benefited from the country’s resources, particularly the oil reserves.

This pattern is also evident in Afghanistan. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the USA and its allies launched an intervention aimed at dismantling the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda and building democracy. After two decades of war, enormous expenses, and countless casualties, Western troops left the country without leaving lasting stability. Afghanistan’s resource deposits, including rare earths and lithium, were often suspected as possible economic interests behind the prolonged presence.

These examples raise whether Western interventions are truly guided by altruistic motives, or whether they serve to pursue their own interests. Ukraine could be another chapter in this history.

Ukraine is not only geographically an important junction between East and West but also rich in natural resources. With estimated resources worth over 12.4 trillion euros, the country is a coveted object on the geopolitical stage.

– Coal: With about 30 billion tons, Ukraine has significant coal deposits. Approximately 63% of these resources are located in the eastern regions affected by conflicts. These areas are not only economically important, but also have cultural and historical connections to Russia.

– Oil and Gas: Ukraine is a central transit country for Russian gas to Europe and possesses its own oil and gas reserves. Control over these resources and transit routes has direct impacts on European energy security, as well as on the geopolitical position of Russia and the EU.

– Metals and Minerals: The country is rich in iron, manganese, titanium, and other metals that are indispensable for industry. These raw materials are essential for the production of steel, aircraft, automobiles, and many other products.

– Rare Earths: Elements like lithium, cobalt, and nickel are indispensable for modern technologies, especially for batteries, electric vehicles, and renewable energies. The increasing demand for these raw materials and their strategic importance make Ukraine an important player in the global market.

The USA has a great interest in strengthening its influence in Ukraine. By supporting the Ukrainian government and promoting NATO membership efforts, they try to contain Russia’s influence in the region. Economic interests play a significant role in this. American companies could benefit from investments in Ukrainian infrastructure and access to raw materials.

A stronger presence in Ukraine also enables the USA to pursue its geopolitical goals in Eurasia. Control over the country not only means a strategic advantage over Russia, but also the possibility to influence the energy flow to Europe and thus exert political pressure on other states.

NATO was originally founded as a defense alliance to protect member states from external threats. In recent decades, however, the alliance has increasingly involved itself in conflicts that lie outside its original mandate.

The eastward expansion of NATO is perceived by Russia as a threat. Since the end of the Cold War, the alliance has expanded further eastward, incorporating former Soviet republics and Warsaw Pact states. This expansion has significantly heightened tensions between the West and Russia.

The deployment of NATO troops and missile defense systems near Russian borders increases the danger of misunderstandings and unintended escalations. With the USA as the largest partner setting the direction, the question arises whether NATO is still a purely defensive alliance or whether it serves as an instrument for enforcing Western interests.

In conflicts like Afghanistan, the former Yugoslavia, and Libya, NATO has conducted military interventions that went beyond the defense mandate. These missions were often justified with humanitarian arguments, but the results were not always in favor of stability or peace.

The European Union finds itself in a complex position. On one hand, it supports Ukraine politically and economically; on the other hand, it is dependent on Russian energy imports. The sanctions against Russia also have negative impacts on the European economy.

In the event of a military conflict without the support of the USA, the EU would hardly be able to stand against powers like Russia or China and their allies. The European armed forces are fragmented, and there is a lack of a unified defense strategy. Nevertheless, the EU pursues a policy that increases the risk of confrontation.

This strategy could be considered a dangerous and risky game. Dependence on American support makes the EU vulnerable. Moreover, economic sanctions and political tensions could lead to serious problems within the EU, including energy shortages and economic downturn.

It is noticeable that countries with large natural resources repeatedly become the focus of international conflicts. Control over resources like oil, gas, rare earths, and other minerals is of crucial importance to many industrialized nations. These resources ensure not only economic prosperity but also geopolitical influence.

– Iraq: The rich oil reserves were a significant factor in the interest of the USA and its allies.

– Libya: The North African country possesses the largest known oil reserves in Africa. After Gaddafi’s overthrow, many oil concessions were awarded to Western companies.

– Afghanistan: In addition to rare earths, the country has large lithium deposits. At a time when the demand for battery technology is exponentially increasing, control over such resources is strategically important.

– Venezuela: With the largest proven oil reserves in the world, Venezuela is another example of a country that comes into the focus of international interests due to its resources.


These patterns show that countries with significant natural resources frequently become the scene of geopolitical confrontations. The official justifications for interventions vary, but economic interests often take precedence.

It is regrettable to observe that humanity apparently does not learn from history. Despite experiences from past conflicts and wars, patterns of interventions and power plays repeat themselves. Whistleblowers like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, or Julian Assange have tried to inform the public about questionable practices and secret agendas. Yet, their revelations are often quickly forgotten or ignored.

– Edward Snowden: He uncovered the extent of global surveillance practices. Despite the relevance for privacy and freedom, the debate was quickly overshadowed by other topics.

– Chelsea Manning: Through the release of documents, war crimes and misconduct became known. Nevertheless, the responsible parties were rarely held accountable.

– Julian Assange and WikiLeaks: The publication of secret documents revealed intransparency and double standards of many governments. Instead of using this information as an occasion for reforms, the messengers were criminalized.

The media play a decisive role in this. Through selective reporting and focusing on certain narratives, public opinion is shaped. Critical voices and alternative perspectives rarely find a hearing. This contributes to many people viewing events from a one-sided perspective.

Besides the already mentioned cases, there are other situations where the same patterns are recognizable:

– Syria: The civil war became an international conflict in which various powers pursued their interests. While the humanitarian crisis reached catastrophic proportions, geopolitical strategies were at the forefront.

– Yemen: The conflict is often seen as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The humanitarian catastrophe, however, receives less attention than the geopolitical tensions.

– Sudan: Resources like oil and minerals have led to internal conflicts and international interest. The secession of South Sudan and the resulting tensions are another example of the complexity of resources and politics.

The media have a significant influence on how events are perceived and interpreted. Through the selection of topics, the manner of reporting, and the interpretation of facts, they can shape public opinion.

Often, media focus on sensational aspects or simplify complex interconnections. This leads to the deeper causes of conflicts being overlooked or misunderstood.

The concentration on certain narratives can lead to alternative perspectives being suppressed. This makes it difficult for the public to obtain a comprehensive picture of the situation and to question it critically.

It appears as if the world stage has become a playing field for great powers, where human suffering and moral values are subordinated to the pursuit of power and profit. Ukraine is just another field in this global monopoly, where the stakes are measured in billions and the consequences are real and devastating.

The Western states, especially the USA, present themselves as defenders of freedom and democracy. But who protects the world from these self-appointed guardians? In recent decades, they have conducted numerous military interventions, from Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan, leaving traces of destruction and chaos. Nevertheless, they hold the flag of morality high while pursuing their own interests behind the scenes.

NATO, once intended as a bulwark against threats, has developed into an instrument often used to enforce specific agendas. Under the pretext of defense, troops are moved, maneuvers are conducted, and tensions are fueled. The question is no longer whether NATO is a purely defensive alliance, but whose interests it actually serves.

The EU plays a dangerous double game. Dependent on Russian energy and simultaneously on a confrontational course, it seems to have become entangled in contradictions. Without the military support of the USA, the EU is a toothless tiger that could hardly stand in a conflict with powers like Russia or China. Nevertheless, it often follows the strategies dictated from across the Atlantic.

It is an irony of history that those who speak the loudest about democracy and human rights are often those who benefit the most when these values are disregarded. The media landscape supports this game by spreading narratives that steer public consciousness in a certain direction. Critical voices are marginalized, and important revelations by whistleblowers quickly fade into oblivion.

Humanity seems trapped in a vicious cycle where the mistakes of the past are repeated over and over. Instead of learning from the lessons of history, old strategies are reapplied in the hope of a different outcome. But as Albert Einstein remarked: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Perhaps it is time to end the game. Instead of viewing the world as a playing field for power struggles and economic conquests, we should focus on the real challenges: climate change, social injustice, global health. The resources and energies invested in conflicts could be used to improve the quality of life for everyone.

However, as long as the profiteers of the system set the rules, little will change. It is up to us to think critically, ask questions, and not be satisfied with prefabricated answers. We must become aware of the influence of media and politics and actively consider different perspectives.

Technology enables us today more than ever to share information and connect globally. We can hear the voices of those who are otherwise overlooked and gain a more comprehensive picture of reality. It is our responsibility to use these possibilities and not be blinded by superficial narratives.

The future depends on whether we are willing to learn from the past and take new paths. If we continue to allow economic interests and the pursuit of power to stand above moral values, we risk history repeating itself—with possibly even more devastating consequences. The challenges of the 21st century require cooperation and mutual understanding, not confrontation and mistrust.

It is time to recognize the true motives behind political decisions. Only through transparency and honesty can we lay the foundation for genuine peace and progress. The world is not a game, and people are not game pieces. Each of us has the ability and the responsibility to make a difference.

The world stands at a crossroads. The decisions made today have impacts on future generations. It is essential that we become aware of the responsibility that comes with our actions and also with our silence.

History has taught us that the pursuit of power and greed leads to destruction and suffering. But it has also shown us that change is possible when people come together and stand up for common values.

– Education and Enlightenment: Knowledge is key. Through education, we can understand the mechanisms behind political decisions. We can learn to question information critically and form a well-founded opinion.

– Engagement: Every individual can contribute. Whether through participation in public discourse, supporting initiatives, or sharing knowledge. Passivity is no longer an option.

– Demanding Transparency: Governments and institutions must be held accountable. Transparency in political decisions is crucial to build trust and prevent abuse.

– Media Competence: In a world full of information, it is important to distinguish between facts and opinions. Media competence helps to recognize manipulations and not be guided by sensational reports.


The geopolitical games of the great powers have real impacts on the lives of millions of people. Wars, economic sanctions, and political interventions cause suffering and uncertainty. We must ask ourselves whether the pursued goals justify these sacrifices.

It is time to take responsibility and actively participate in shaping our common future. Only through transparency, education, and engagement can we create a world where justice and peace are not just empty words.

The challenges of the 21st century are global and can only be solved through cooperation. Climate change, pandemics, social inequality, all these require joint action across national borders.

We must break away from old patterns of thinking based on competition and mistrust. Instead, we should focus on common values and goals. Humanity has the potential to achieve great things when it works together.

This text is intended to stimulate reflection. It aims to encourage critically questioning things and not accepting everything unchecked. The world is complex, and there are rarely simple answers. But ignorance is not a solution.

It is up to all of us to shape the future. We cannot wait for others to solve the problems. Every individual can make a difference, whether in small ways or large.

Let us work together to create a world where justice, peace, and prosperity are possible for all. A world where power does not stand above morality and where the dignity of every person is respected.

History does not always have to repeat the same chapters. We have the opportunity to take new paths and learn from the mistakes of the past. Let us seize this chance and actively work towards a better future.