Although it remains a fascinating and sometimes macabre question whether one is allowed to possess a human skull, behind it unfolds a dense and intricate forest of ethical, legal, and cultural considerations. Law enforcement agencies, lawyers, and even private collectors sometimes find themselves confronted with human remains, whether in the course of professional forensic investigations, academic research, or simply out of a passion for collecting. Drawing on my extensive experience and profound knowledge of this subject, I aim to illuminate the legal, ethical, and cultural-historical foundations that must be considered in this context in a comprehensive and neutral guide for those who wish to explore the phenomenon of the death cult more closely.
Forensic science – this fascinating, multifaceted realm in which natural scientific techniques are employed to solve criminal activities – harbors secrets and insights that captivate the mind. One of the brightest stars in the forensic firmament is the dating of human remains, a process that is indispensable in criminal investigations. Radiocarbon dating, widely known as C14 analysis, stands out for its precision and reliability. Let us illuminate the magical potential and the inevitable limitations of this method in the context of modern forensics.
It was one of those warm summer afternoons when the air was heavy and the heat oppressive. In the idyllic suburb at the edge of town, where most gardens were blooming oases of tranquility, the new homeowner had big plans. The old garden, which until then had been little more than a collection of wild bushes and patches of grass, was to give way to a chic pool. A dream project meant to give the property the final polish. But the dream quickly turned into a nightmare when the excavator’s bucket suddenly hit something hard – a human skull.