Police Crime Statistics (PKS) 2022: Rising Crime and the Involvement of Asylum Seekers
The Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik Deutschlands (PKS) 2022, an annual compendium compiled by German police authorities, serves as an indispensable tool for examining the evolution of crime in Germany. This current edition of the PKS presents not only a sober aggregation of offenses in numerical form but also a narrative mosaic that vividly sketches the country’s transformed criminal landscape. At its core lies the phenomenon of rising crime and the role of asylum seekers in this intricate context.
A closer look at the PKS 2022 reveals a disturbing increase in recorded criminal acts. In 2022, Germany documented approximately 5.4 million offenses – a rise of 3.7 percent compared to the previous year (Federal Criminal Police Office, PKS 2022, Table 01). Particularly striking are the increases in violent crimes, burglaries, thefts and cybercrime. Violent offenses surged by 4.8 percent, while cybercrime experienced a remarkable growth of 6.2 percent (Federal Criminal Police Office, PKS 2022, Tables 62 and 130). Such figures call for an in-depth analysis of the causal factors that underpin these developments.
Especially sensitive is the role of asylum seekers in the crime statistics of the PKS 2022. The data explicitly differentiates between “suspect immigrants” and “non-German suspects.” Under “suspect immigrants” are included those classified as asylum seekers, contingent refugees, individuals under temporary suspension of deportation or illegal migrants (Federal Criminal Police Office, PKS 2022, Explanatory Notes). In contrast, “non-German suspects” refers to any individuals without German citizenship, including those holding multiple nationalities (Federal Criminal Police Office, PKS 2022, Explanatory Notes).
The PKS 2022 documents that 11.1 percent of the suspects in 2022 were asylum seekers (Federal Criminal Police Office, PKS 2022, Table 61). This percentage represents an increase of 2.2 percent compared to the previous year. Among the suspect asylum seekers, offenses such as theft, bodily harm and fraud were particularly common (Federal Criminal Police Office, PKS 2022, Table 61). It is important to note, however, that the PKS merely provides the number of individuals under investigation, without making any judgment regarding their guilt or innocence (Federal Criminal Police Office, PKS 2022, Explanatory Notes).
The reasons for the increased crime rate among asylum seekers are complex and intricately intertwined. A central role is played by the socioeconomic conditions of these individuals. They are frequently excluded from education, the labor market and social integration, as detailed in the Migration Report 2020-2021 published by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. These disadvantages heighten the risk of becoming involved in criminal activities.
Moreover, precarious living conditions in overcrowded and poorly equipped reception centers further exacerbate the situation. Such circumstances foster tensions and conflicts, as observed by the German Institute for Human Rights in 2021. The psychological burden carried by asylum seekers must not be underestimated, either. Traumatic experiences from their home countries and during their flight can significantly increase the risk of criminal behavior, as highlighted by the German Center for Integration and Migration Research in 2021.
Another determining factor is the uncertain legal status regarding residence and employment. Asylum seekers often find themselves in a precarious legal situation that renders them vulnerable to exploitation and illegal employment. This uncertainty and lack of perspective can lead to frustration, which in turn increases the propensity to commit crimes. A comprehensive approach is therefore required – one that considers both the social and legal conditions of asylum seekers to develop effective preventive measures and promote their integration into society.
The integration of asylum seekers into society represents one of the major challenges facing Germany. The discussion about the role of integration in relation to crime is complex and requires a nuanced perspective. Studies show that successful integration and participation in social life can significantly reduce the risk of criminal behavior. Thus, to achieve positive change, not only preventive measures but also comprehensive support for asylum seekers are essential. Effective integration not only opens up new perspectives for refugees but also contributes to the overall safety and stability of society.
Asylum seekers often face a multitude of challenges that impede their social integration. In particular, language barriers can severely restrict access to education and the labor market. A lack of communication with authorities and potential employers may lead to isolation and financial instability. Furthermore, prejudices and discrimination within society can further complicate integration efforts. It is therefore necessary to promote intercultural sensitivity and implement measures to reduce prejudice in order to create an inclusive society that offers equal opportunities to everyone. The development of integrative measures tailored to the individual needs of asylum seekers, as well as the encouragement of intercultural exchange and understanding, can help overcome the hurdles to successful integration. A comprehensive and long-term integration policy is crucial for harmonious coexistence in a diverse society and for preventing crime through social inclusion.
Effective measures to reduce crime among asylum seekers must simultaneously address multiple factors. Improving social integration through access to education, language courses and the labor market is a key strategy (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Integration Concept 2021). Equally important is the improvement of living conditions to defuse potential conflicts (German Institute for Human Rights, 2021). In addition, comprehensive psychosocial support is needed to help asylum seekers process their traumatic experiences and sustainably reduce the risk of criminal behavior (German Center for Integration and Migration Research, 2021).
The PKS 2022 reveals an overall increase in crime and highlights the growing presence of asylum seekers in the crime statistics. Yet, this situation calls for nuanced thinking and action. A blanket condemnation of asylum seekers is not only misleading but also counterproductive. The real challenges can only be met by integrative and supportive measures that aim both at reducing crime and at fostering harmonious social coexistence. After all, integration beats isolation – and that truth stings all too well.
Sources for this article:
Federal Criminal Police Office. (2022). Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik 2022. Federal Criminal Police Office, Wiesbaden. Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. (2021). Migration Report 2020-2021. Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Nuremberg. Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. (2021). Integration Concept 2021. Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Nuremberg. German Institute for Human Rights. (2021). The Situation in Asylum Seeker Accommodations in Germany. German Institute for Human Rights, Berlin. German Center for Integration and Migration Research. (2021). Psychological Burdens among Refugees and the Prevention of Crime. German Center for Integration and Migration Research, Berlin.