Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Friedrich Schwarzfischer (1921 to 2004) was a key figure in modern forensic anthropology and human genetics in Germany. His work revolutionized the scientific practice of identity determination and attracted international recognition. In particular, his 1992 classifications concerning the probability of identity have become a standard reference in forensic science. This report highlights the importance of his predicate classes and provides an extensive overview of his life and scientific achievements.
Cognitive bias in forensic science is not an abstract concept, but a creeping virus that, in the worst cases, can infect entire justice systems. To make the workings of this insidious phenomenon more tangible, let’s look at some examples that clearly illustrate the potential impact of cognitive distortions in practice.
When I received the order in May 2019 to review the infamous #IbizaVideo, I could hardly have imagined that this would be the start of one of Europe’s greatest political scandals. I am George A. Rauscher, a forensic expert. When Süddeutsche Zeitung and Der Spiegel approached me, I knew immediately that this task would be anything but ordinary.