
Pol Pks

Whenever eventful twists occurred over the past year, it was claimed that the number of crimes in Germany had decreased – a claim that should provoke some reflection. However, upon closer examination of the recently published statistics for Bavaria and Germany for the year 2016, a more nuanced picture emerges. In Bavaria, where the crime reporting rate increased by 3.4%, particularly in the urban centers of Munich and Upper Bavaria, reality speaks a different language: In the Bavarian capital, Munich, the crime rate even rose by a significant 9%.

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Pks 2015

The year 2015: A year when more things coalesced in Germany than just the thick fog in autumn nights. The publication of the Police Crime Statistics (PKS) by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) not only piqued the curiosity of security experts and journalists. It felt like opening the first pages of a dark thriller, whose plot captivates with unexpected twists and open questions every few scenes.

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